Priit Suitslepp – Recruitment in the field of sales

Priit SuitsleppPriit Suitslepp
Southwestern Recruitment - müügivaldkond, tööintervjuu, värbamine

"We'd like a salesperson who climbs back in through the window when they're thrown out the door.

- This is a very typical answer to the question, what kind of salesperson does the company need?

Although it is a very nice criterion, there are all kinds of sales. Salespeople who sell pensions in shopping malls and salespeople who sell new CRM systems to large corporations cannot be lumped together. If you dig into the details, there are a lot of nuances to follow when recruiting salespeople.

Kuna oleme müügivaldkonnas 10 ja enam aastat tegutsenud nii ise müüki tehes kui värvates, siis jagame teiega viite põhikriteeriumit, mida müügitalentide värbamisel jälgime:

Length of sales cycle

There are salespeople for whom a shorter sales cycle is suitable and for whom a longer sales cycle is suitable. If we use the previous examples, the sales cycle of corporations can last from a few months to a few years. But you can handle active sales in a shopping centre in 10 minutes

Who is the decision-maker?

In B2C sales, your decision-makers are mostly "ordinary people from the street", but in B2B sales, the decision makers are company managers. In turn, there is a difference in B2B sales whether you are used to selling to, for example, CEOs or marketing managers. It also depends on the size of the company, because the bigger the company, the more decisionmakers there are.

Inbound or cold sales?

There are many salespeople who have only been involved in sales when the customer comes to them (warm leads). You need communication and sales skills there too, but sales where you must talk to or generate cold contacts yourself, are much more difficult.

Has the salesperson sold a well-known brand/product?

It's easier to sell an Apple computer than a Chuwi computer that no one knows. Similarly, it is more difficult to sell a product that the customer didn't even know they needed or that they don't currently use, but which would save time/money if used. In this case, both the company and the product must be ‘’sold’’.

Has the salesperson sold price or quality?

Car models are a good comparison here. Selling a BMW is different than selling Dacia cars. Of course, the clientele is also different, but in one you sell quality and comfort, and in the other you promote a good price.

Väikeseid nüansse, mida müügiinimeste värbamisel jälgida, on loomulikult veel. Näiteks parimaid müügiinimesi peab küll raha motiveerima, kuid see ei tohiks olla nende peamine motivatsiooniallikas töökoha vahetamiseks. Kui see siiski nii on, võid üpris kindel olla, et ta teeb müüki nii kaua, kuni tasuvama müügitöö leiab.

Eks müügiinimeste värbamise teebki keeruliseks asjaolu, et nad oskavad ka ennast väga hästi müüa, aga tähtis on aru saada, kas neil on piisavalt järjepidevust ning oskust ka ettevõtte toodet või teenust müüa.

Nagu igal värbamisel, nii ka müügiinimeste leidmisel ei tohi unustada kultuurilist komponenti ning sobivust juhiga . Inimene tuleb tavaliselt ikkagi tööle ettevõtte pärast ning lahkub juhi tõttu.

Kui tunned, et vajad abi professionaalse müügiinimese leidmisel, broneeri konsultatsioon või võta ühendust meie värbajaga.