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Southwestern Recruitment

All our recruiters have at least 10 years of sales experience.

Southwestern Recruitment

Southwestern Recruitment belongs to the Southwestern Family of Companies, a US corporation with 165 years of sales and recruiting experience. Our recruitment strategy is based on the 40 years of targeted search experience of our sister company ThinkingAhead, which has also been recognized by Forbes.

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Facts about us

2months on average is the time it takes our recruiters to find a suitable candidate.
8+different countries have chosen us as their recruitment partner for their operations.
90%of job offers made to our candidates are accepted.
40+years of experience shape our recruitment strategy.

Our efficient recruitment process

Our team
01Getting to know each other

• We discover your business needs and goals.
• We craft a profile tailored to the role you seek.
• We map out the dynamics, vision, and values unique to your company.
• We assemble a compelling company pitch.

02‘’Detective work’’

• We navigate through existing candidates, seeking alignment.
• We actively seek out additional candidates who fit the profile.
• We evaluate each candidate’s fit with the role and your company’s culture.
• We keep you informed with regular updates on the search’s progress.

03Guiding the candidates

• We introduce you to qualified candidates along with our assessments.
• We assist with interview preparation and coordination.
• We facilitate post-interview discussions.
• We provide guidance on offer preparation and navigating counter offers

04Onboarding support

• We maintain regular contact with the new employee to ensure a smooth transition.
• We provide feedback tailored to the customer’s specific needs.

Our customers' stories

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Valentina KlimantNeular - Finance Lead
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Indrek OrroAlas-Kuul - CEO
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Tanel KaruK-Print - Head of Sales
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Riho KirssITK inseneribüroo - CEO
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Üllar Hinno1Partner Ehitus - CEO
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Martin PolikarpusSIGA - Head of Sales Northern and Eastern Europe

One of my former colleagues recommended turning to Southwestern Recruitment (SWR, formerly ThinkingAhead), citing that their recruitment process stands out from other companies in the market.

The initial meeting with the SWR representatives was very pleasant. Our activities were thoroughly mapped out to gain a better understanding of the organization’s culture and values. The pre-selection was made easy because SWR had already analyzed all proposed candidates.

We are very satisfied with the collaboration because communication was prompt, and we received feedback about the candidates even after the job interview. We particularly liked that they didn’t push a specific candidate to fill the position but aimed to find the most suitable employee for us.

I recommend working with SWR to others because they are efficient and competent.

One of the top performers in the market!

I heard about Southwestern Recruitment (SWR, formerly ThinkingAhead) from an acquaintance. We have previously used other recruitment partners, but SWR stands out from their competitors in terms of their professionalism and the quality of candidates. We were satisfied with the collaboration because communication was efficient, and the level of candidates exceeded expectations. They adhere to all agreements and have recruited 14 positions for us by now.

Our collaboration with Southwestern Recruitment (SWR, formerly ThinkingAhead) was comfortable, efficient, and successful. I would like to highlight their dedication to our search and constant communication in finding the right person. The quality of the candidates presented was high, and our task was only to choose who best fits our team. Thanks to this, we saved a tremendous amount of time and energy, which recruitment usually demands a lot of.

I most valued the simplicity of cooperation and the minimal bureaucracy involved. It’s refreshing to handle things based on trust. Moreover, the fact that payment only kicks in once the recruit signs the contract takes the pressure off during the hiring phase—no worrying about obligations if things don’t work out.

Communication with Kadi has been friendly and efficient, and our collaboration has been smooth. We’ve even had casual chats about the job market, and I’ve found her practical advice invaluable, even when it wasn’t directly sought.

Given the fast-paced nature of our workdays, quick communication and results are key. What I value most is how straightforward everything is, coupled with a deep understanding of our specific workforce needs.

The collaboration was positive, and because Kadi worked with dedication, it was evident that thorough groundwork had been done. We appreciated her attention to detail in identifying candidates who met our requirements. Several individuals mentioned during meetings that they had previously declined many job interviews, but Kadi’s excellent pre-screening work had made them reconsider in our case.

We have collaborated with Priit for more than two years across various markets: Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, and Poland. Despite a somewhat unconventional employee profile, we have almost always found the right person swiftly, and the entire process has been professional. They are certainly not ones to give up easily because, despite setbacks, there has never been a feeling that the recruiter wants to bail out, as has happened with previous partners. Their approach to potential candidates is different from what we’ve experienced with previous partners, and it seems to be the key to their success. The feedback from our HR department is also positive, and they have always had the necessary information available.

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